Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sicky-poo. . .

It has been cold and rainy here. I have to say I have been feeling sympathy for anyone who lives in the Pacific Northwest. A beautiful place, yes, but a very rainy one. Not sure I could do it. Anyone have any pointers on surviving with all that rain?

Today is pretty, but since I have been sick haven't felt much like a walk or anything. The dogs are feeling a little cooped up. The most exciting part of our day is the mailman (which I am generally excited about, I love mail!) but I don't like when it is the ONLY exciting part of my day. Bleck!

This is to remind me of the beautiful Spring days that are surely ahead! Funny thing is, these are rain lillys, which need rain to bloom. Oh well!
These are the last cards I worked on. This was before Christmas. Doh! Okay, butt in gear for real, once I feel better.
This is Finley's impression of me for the last 4 days. He is such a comedian!

P.S. Notice this post follows one from exactly a week ago. Go on with your bloggin self! haha!
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1 comment:

Shona~ LALA dex press said...

Your new cards are fantastic + I love the addition of the borders, great colors. Nice touch, Finley, with your tongue sticking out. I'm sure you captured the scene in its entirety. The buttercups bloomed last week, but this only means that a big frost is coming- come on frost + snow, quit teasing us.